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Deadly pig virus gets closer to Canada

Jun 13, 2013 | 5:06 PM

This little piggy has Canada’s hog industry very concerned.

Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea (PED) has now spread from Europe to the US. So far there have been no cases reported in Canada.

“And so it’s not a concern for Canada yet but it’s definitely been found in at least seven states in the U.S, so we are making sure we are paying attention to bio-security protocols to keep it out of Canada,” said Bridget Gray, a veterinarian with Big Sky Farms.

Those measures include the thorough scrubbing and disinfection of all trucks coming into the country. According to Gray, some pigs are more susceptible to the virus than others.

“They’re seeing high mortality in suckling piglets, but it doesn’t affect older animals as much,” said Gray.

According to the Canadian Swine Intelligence Network, when the virus reaches the farm, there will be a 100 per cent mortality rate for about a month.

“Our main focus is transport trucks, making sure they stay disinfected,” said Dr. Chris Bryra.

He said veterinarians have done a great job thus far reporting their results; and while not all veterinarians have reported, he is confident that at this point the Canada is virus free.

On Twitter: @nigelmaxwell