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Canada 150 draws 31 million people, is biggest Twitter hashtag of year

Dec 31, 2017 | 10:39 AM

OTTAWA — Canada’s 150th birthday bash draws to a close today with Heritage Canada saying 87 per cent of Canadians participated in at least one event. Here’s how some of the year counted out.

31 million: Estimated number of people who participated in at least one Canada 150 event.

5,800: Number of Canada 150 projects and events within Canada.

1,000: Number of Canada 150 events hosted by embassies abroad.

1.8 million: Number of times the #Canada150 hashtag was used on Twitter.

7,500: Number of licensing applications to use the Canada 150 logo which were approved.

1,700: Number of Canada Day celebrations across the country.

27.3 million: Number of visitors to a national park or heritage site during year of free admission.

$200 million: Budget for Canada 150 events and programs.

$300 million: Budget for Canada 150 community infrastructure fund.

42 mm: amount of rain that fell in Ottawa on Canada Day.

55,000: Number of people who skated on the Canada 150 Parliament Hill skating rink in first three weeks.


The Canadian Press