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Firefighters ball

Carrot River Fire Rescue raising funds for equipment through new event

Feb 11, 2019 | 12:41 PM

Carrot River Fire Rescue is hosting its first-ever firefighters ball this month.

The event will feature a supper, program and dance and will raise funds for new equipment for the department.

Fire Chief Bryce Lytle said the event will serve a double purpose.

“It gives the emergency services not only just fire but police and EMS, a night to just go sit down and enjoy and not have to worry about the stress of everyday life,” Lytle said.

It will also bring the community together, he said.

“Get the community to be able to meet the fire department and the members that are on it,” Lytle said. “That way when they see them outside in everyday life they know who they are instead of just the one time that maybe they need them in a very stressful situation.”

There will also be a 50/50 draw with proceeds going toward STARS Air Ambulance. The dance will feature music by the Bromantics out of Moose Jaw.

Tickets for the Feb. 23 event are $30 each and are available for purchase until this Friday at the town office. Dance only tickets will also be available at the door for $20.

On Twitter: Angie_Rolheiser

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