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(Angie Rolheiser/northeastNOW Staff)
Big Brothers Big Sisters

Melfort Big Brothers Big Sisters running mentor campaign

Apr 8, 2019 | 3:47 PM

Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) in Melfort has a campaign underway to find mentors for the eight children on their waiting list.

The organization set up in a couple of different venues on Friday to provide information for potential mentors.

Caseworker Morgan Forster said they also want to debunk a few myths that seem to be related to becoming a mentor.

“Some people think that mentors need to be really successful in their life or really perfect or have to be someone that has achieved some big thing,” Forster said. “Really, mentors are just everyday people that maybe have a little time who want to be a positive person for a child.”

The campaign will continue throughout the spring as the organization looks to match new mentors with children, some of whom have been on the wait list for quite a while now.

Forster said these aren’t just at-risk kids with some just needing that positive influence in their life that they may not have.

“Children who get mentors grow up to be happier people who seek out more education, they tend to give back to the community more, are more successful in life, and overall life happier lives,” Forster said.

For more information on becoming a mentor, call the BBBS office.

“Any child can benefit from having a mentor,” she said.

On Twitter: Angie_Rolheiser

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