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Mayoral resignation

Carrot River Mayor Bob Gagne resigns

Nov 15, 2019 | 6:20 PM

One of Carrot River’s longest serving municipal politicians has resigned suddenly.

Mayor Bob Gagne handed in his resignation letter to Carrot River administration on Thursday, Nov. 14, stepping down as the town’s leader effective immediately.

Kevin Trew, Carrot River’s town administrator, told northeastNOW Gagne handed in his letter with a heavy heart.

“He hoped he would be able to continue on until November 2020 to complete his term, it’s always been his intent to do so,” Trew said. “Unfortunately, some personal issues have arisen that he cannot complete his term. He wishes that we leave it at personal issues.”

Gagne was elected to Carrot River’s council in 2006 and was elected mayor in 2009. He was proclaimed mayor by acclamation in each of the elections in which he let his name stand (2009, 2012, and 2016).

Gagne and his wife and two sons relocated to Carrot River 21 years ago, when he took a posting with the RCMP in the town.

Trew said the Town of Carrot River intends to honour Gagne at a town function before the end of 2019.

“It’s been a great honour and a pleasure to serve with Mayor Gagne,” Trew said. “For myself it’s been seven-and-a-half years. He’s been a man of honour and great distinction. He has also stated to me that I often give him far too much credit, and that humility he has is part of his character. We will miss Mayor Gagne’s token phrases like ‘everyone can be replaced’ and ‘the cheque is in the mail.’”

What’s next?

With Gagne’s resignation, the Municipalities Act states Carrot River Council will appoint an acting mayor until an election is held.

Council must choose amongst themselves for who will be the acting mayor until that election.

The current deputy mayor is Coun. Mike Livermore, although Trew made it clear that he or any serving deputy mayor can assume full-time mayoral duties.

“The position of deputy mayor is to fill in when the mayor cannot. In this case, there is no longer a mayor, so the deputy mayor can’t step in,” he said.

Trew expects council to appoint an acting mayor during their next meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 20.

Due to Gagne resigning more than six months before Carrot River’s next municipal election on Nov. 9, 2020, the Municipalities Act also prescribes that a by-election be held to determine the town’s next mayor.

Council has until May 14, 2020 to call a by-election, but Trew expects council to call it well before then.

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