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Field of the Future

Redhead Equipment ‘Field of the Future’ helps Rose Garden Hospice bloom

Feb 3, 2020 | 2:12 PM

After a farming year wrought with challenges, from unseasonably cold weather in June to rain and snow during most of the harvest season, the staff at Redhead Equipment in Prince Albert were pleased with the outcome of their test wheat crop. Redhead Equipment announced a donation of $20,000 from their 2019 Field of the Future to the Rose Garden Hospice Association (RGHA).

“We are so very pleased to have been chosen as the charity to receive the Field of the Future donation,” says Marina Mitchell, media relations and board member for the RGHA. “We appreciate this generous support from Redhead Equipment and partners in this endeavor. This donation brings us closer to our goal”.

Redhead Equipment’s Field of the Future in Prince Albert. (submitted photo/Redhead Equipment)

With ten acres located on the corner of Marquis Road and 4th Avenue West, Rose Garden Hospice will be a hospice care centre, providing personal support, companionship, bereavement, spiritual and compassionate care to people with a terminal illness and their loved ones. Thanks to generous individuals and businesses in the Prince Albert area, the RGHA has raised over $1.7 million dollars and is well on the way to see this facility come to fruition.

When deciding which organization to support, the Redhead Equipment team in Prince Albert knew it was important to support the RGHA. “The Rose Garden Hospice is an important health care project for Prince Albert and its surrounding communities,” says Scott Vanderlinde, Agriculture Sales Manager at Redhead Equipment in Prince Albert. “We are happy to be part of building this facility and look forward to seeing its completion.”

Scott Vanderlinde, Agriculture Sales Manager at Redhead Equipment Prince Albert. (submitted photo/Redhead Equipment)

Redhead Equipment’s Field of the Future Initiative began in 2013 as a way to test various crops in the area, but its use has far exceeded those initial benefits. Over the past seven years, this initiative has provided over $245,000 to local charities and community organizations in the Prince Albert Area.

The Field of the Future initiative is successful due to the support from staff, sponsors and supporters. Redhead Equipment would like to thank Tomtene Seed Farm for donating the wheat seed, Decisive Farming who provided variable rate maps, Lake Country Co-Op for scouting the fields and for fertilizer, Fremont Trucking who hauled the grain to the elevator, and Viterra/Whitestar Elevator for the reduced fees for grain drying and for taking the delivery straight from the field the day they harvested.