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A variety of local hockey teams, like the Mintos, get to compete in fun action with the P.A. Special Olympics floor hockey team. (submitted photo/Mike Svenson)

Special Olympic floor hockey tourney for P.A.

Feb 7, 2020 | 1:50 PM

At least 65 athletes will be involved in a one-day provincial Special Olympics floor hockey tournament tomorrow.

Five teams are involved at the Saskatchewan Polytechnic gym from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. — Prince Albert, Nipawin, Humboldt, Regina, and Saskatoon.

Mike Svenson, the chair of Special Olympics Prince Albert said the players appreciate getting the support from the public.

“The athletes love to hear the cheering and get the support, so if we can get some people out to see what Special Olympics is all about, that’s fantastic,” he told paNOW.

Svenson said the event is partly aimed at giving the Humboldt team some tournament practice. They play at the 2020 Special Olympics Canada National Winter Games in Ontario later this month. But he added the P.A. team rarely gets to host tournaments like this so the whole day is a big deal involving good competition and camaraderie among everyone, aged 13 and up.

The P.A. Northern Bears hang out with the local Special Olympics floor hockey squad. (submitted/Mike Svenson)

“Their successes are well celebrated and it’s just a good feel all around to watch these athletes compete,” Svenson said.

The event is followed by award celebrations as well as a dinner dance.

The P.A. team has weekly play on Thursday nights at 7 p.m. at Riverside Community School from October until March, and Svenson said they get to test their game against a variety of local teams including the Mintos, Bears, DQ Chill, Law Enforcement Torch Run and others. The Raiders come along as well as their schedule allows.

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