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The City of Melfort is offering family play kits to families at home during the COVID-19 pandemic. (submitted photo/City of Melfort)
Play Melfort

City of Melfort offering family play kits

May 26, 2020 | 10:11 AM

A new way to Play Melfort begins this Thursday.

While families are still housebound due to the COVID-19 pandemic, play kits are being offered by the City of Melfort.

Recreation Programmer Shannon Marshall said they wanted to create a hands-on activity for families, rather than something online.

“We created six different kits that families in Melfort can rent out for free. We have curbside pick-up every Thursday at noon at the Kerrry Vickar Centre,” Marshall said. “Drop-off will be the following Wednesday by noon.”

The kits include new equipment of lawn games and a physical literacy kit and resources for new games with equipment, as well as a complimentary time filler bag to keep.

Games included in the kits range from ring toss, pickle ball, bocce ball, yard Yahtzee, croquet, mini sticks, water guns, and more.

“These will be available for as long as people are after them for,” Marshall said. “Once popularity dies off, we will pack them up for a little bit and then bring them out later in the year and maybe revive them with new equipment.”

Families can book a kit of their choice by calling the KVC at 752-4177 or the Northern Lights Palace at 752-7200. Rentals are to be picked up on Thursdays at noon, with a Wednesday before noon return date.

The one-day window will allow for staff to disinfect the contents of the kits before they go out to a new family.

Family play kits being offered by the City of Melfort (Submitted photo/City of Melfort)

“Everything during this pandemic has been so online and so we were wanted to give something to families and children to do that was hands-on and get people outside and as active as possible in this warm weather,” Marshall said.

With the closure of the parks around the city, this gives families an opportunity to try some new activities in their own backyards.

On Twitter: @Angie_Rolheiser

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