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Liliidae Home and Design in Melfort took in design submissions for its back wall and organizers are now asking the public to vote on the top three. (Angie Rolheiser/northeastNOW Staff)
Back wall reveal

Liliidae Home and Design combining back wall design reveal with one-year celebration

Jul 20, 2020 | 11:43 AM

The Liliidae back wall design contest is now in the voting stage leading up to the one-year celebration of the Melfort home and design business.

Owner Julie Schmale announced the contest back in April where they asked the public for design submissions for the unsightly back wall of the building on Burrows Ave. W.

The top three designs have now been determined and are posted on the business website for the community to place votes on their favourite.

“I like all of them. I would be happy to have any of them on our building,” Schmale said. “They are just all so different; they speak to us in different ways and I don’t really know that I have a favourite.”

Voting will be open online until Aug. 14 on the top three.

Bold Lillies was submitted by Avery South who was born and raised in Melfort and is currently studying in Regina.

Bold Lillies submitted by Avery South. (submitted photo/Liliidae Home and Design)

“This one just spoke to us as very big and very bold and gets a lot of attention,” Schmale said. “Of course, the lilies speaking to our name of Liliidae which is the subclass of the tiger lily, we were really drawn to that one.”

Prairie Proud is a submission by Dean Armstrong who is a teacher at Melfort and Unit Comprehensive Collegiate that includes more of the landscape.

Prairie Proud submitted by Dean Armstrong. (submitted photo/Liliidae Home and Design)

“We did change it up a little bit from his design but we did like how the window was incorporated into the logo because it is a bit of an eyesore and in the way,” Schmale said. “The beautiful sky and the flat landscape along with the colour palette goes along with our store.”

The original had more straight lines and the house was in the middle so the Liliidae team made some edits and asked for Armstrong’s permission to change it up.

Clean and Classy was inspired by a variety of suggestions from the community but the logo on the left was designed by Kelsey Kerr.

Clean and Classy is one of three options in the Liliidae Home and Design back wall contest. (submitted photo/Liliidae Home and Design)

“We really like the black and white which looks so clean and just classy and stands out,” Schmale said.

The ‘Greetings from Melfort’ also spoke to Schmale as being something they wanted included on the wall.

The winning design will be revealed on Aug. 15 at the Liliidae one-year celebration that will also feature local artisans, new products, sales, goodies and face painting.

“The goal is to get as much finished this year as we can and hopefully, we can get it done in September but we will see what happens,” Schmale said.

A grand opening celebration was scheduled for April but that was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic but the one-year anniversary of being in business is approaching.

“This will be a relaxed feel with booths and will be outdoors, more of a market feel,” Schmale said. “There will also be some food options and some local goods.”

Representatives from the different companies that the store carries will be on hand as well to talk about their products and answer any questions.

Benjamin Kemper will be showing how he turns the wood bowls the store carries according to Schmale.

“There have been so many things tossed around and lots of uncertainty for small business in Melfort and we have felt very supported and welcomed by the community,” Schmale said. “There is reason to celebrate because we are so thankful and we want to express that.”

The one-year celebration will take place from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Aug. 15.

On Twitter: @Angie_Rolheiser

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