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The City of Humboldt's new brand is 'Heart of it All' (Angie Rolheiser/northeastNOW staff)
Heart of it All

City of Humboldt unveils new brand

Oct 19, 2020 | 3:38 PM

The new brand for the city of Humboldt is “Heart of it All.”

The slogan is meant to identify strengths within the community including core industries, recreational amenities, culture, community, and central location in the province.

Mayor Rob Muench said following the Broncos bus tragedy, some felt they needed to give the city space and let them grieve but he is hoping the new brand will serve as an invitation into the friendly city.

“We were shown a lot of love over the last number of years and this is our chance to hopefully convey it back out to the province and to Canada,” Muench said. “We are grateful for what we were shown and this is a new way of providing that output to people to come to Humboldt.

A previous council had tried a rebrand which Muench was part of but said those attempts never went any further and this was a second chance to come up with something new.

The word heart was selected because of its consistent use over the decades, including ‘Heart of the sure crop district’ as well as ‘A little bit of Germany in the Heart of the Prairies.’

The brand is meant to be interchangeable depending on what the city is promoting.

“For instance, if we are promotion manufacturing, that is one area where we can add ‘heart of manufacturing,’ and so forth,” Muench said.

According to Muench, they did the branding on a ‘shoestring’ budget.

“We did whatever we could in-house, we didn’t hire any expensive marketing teams,” Muench said. “I think the way we have done this represents our community.”

City of Humboldt representatives unveiled the new Humboldt brand, ‘Heart of it All’ (Angie Roleheiser/northeastNOW staff)

Muench comes from a graphic design background and so along with the communications department, the design was created.

With the upcoming municipal election, the current council wanted to launch the brand before a new council is voted in.

“This was a project of the current council and we wanted to make sure it was wrapped up,” Muench said.

Council had wanted the launch to happen in the spring before the second anniversary of the Broncos tragedy in April but then postponed with the COVID-19 pandemic coming into effect.

The busiest retail season of the year is also upcoming and Muench said it was also important to launch and make sure merchants and businesses can capitalize on the promotion that the city will be doing for the coming Christmas season.

“Business are in duress everywhere so we are encouraging everyone to shop locally and support our community,” he said.

The committee was comprised of representatives of the community (Hayley Kennedy, Judy Plag, and Carla Vipond), the Humboldt & District Chamber of Commerce (Stefani Block and Olivia Coffyne), the Downtown Business Improvement District (Erin Strueby), and city council members, Mayor Rob Muench and Councillor Lorne Pratchler.

Muench gave special mention to City of Humboldt administration Penny Lee who is the communications manager.

“Sometimes when everyone is from busy backgrounds it is sometimes hard keeping everyone pulling in the same direction and so we are grateful that we had Penny on board too, to keep everyone on track,” he said.

On Twitter: @Angie_Rolheiser

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