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(Submitted photo/Melfort and District Museum)
Tourist Traffic

Tourism in Melfort up this summer according to district museum

Aug 31, 2022 | 5:14 PM

After back-to-back summers of fewer tourists than they’re used to, Melfort has seen an influx and gradual return to normal.

Dealing with COVID restrictions has decreased the recent number of travellers throughout the northeast — and all over the world — as well as reduced a ton of events citizens were accustomed to.

With COVID numbers dropping, vaccine numbers ascending and more and more flights being booked, Melfort has seen more and more provincial, national and international travellers.

While unable to put an exact number on it yet, cultural coordinator, Gailmarie Anderson, told northeastNOW people from Norway, South Korea, China, Australia, England, Ireland, and of course the United States, have all made their way through recently.

“I think it really highlights Melfort as a destination point,” she said. “We’ve had quite a few people from across Canada and other international places, but as well, we’ve had way more local people for when they visit family.”

The city has had a lot going on throughout the warmer months which has helped prompt more visitors.

Anderson explained it not only gave locals a reason to show up but also gave non-locals something to do.

“There have been some wonderful summer activities through our parks and recreation department for kids. People are wanting to be out and enjoying being in the community. I think that the word is getting out there. Our Play Melfort theme really means that there are lots of activities for families.”

Tonight will feature the last community barbeque of the year, which has drawn at least 100 people every time.

There is also an ongoing project called ‘roadside attractions’, which identifies 27 different historic sites throughout the community.

Anderson also pointed out the work Communities in Bloom has done to make the city more attractive and appealing.

Businesses throughout Melfort, along with parks and lakes in the surrounding area have seen a direct impact.

“We’ve had people who stay at the campground or up at Wapiti. They then come into town to have meals and explore and do some shopping. I think that it all benefits us to have those attractions nearby.”

These attractions have been a largely discussed topic with those who visit from outside the area, along with the amenities and facilities the city offers.

Anderson added how most are happily shocked considering the population.

“A town our size, they’re always impressed that we have so many amenities here. Just in terms of our recreational facilities, the shopping and restaurants, they’re always surprised about that. They just like the area, they find that it’s always neat and tidy and there are lots of flowers and trees… I think they gain a new appreciation for Melfort when they come here.”

On Twitter @BenTompkins_8

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