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(Submitted photo/Trent Rumpel)
Minor Hockey Initiatives

Kinistino Senior Tigers to highlight Hockey Day in Kinistino

Jan 18, 2023 | 5:06 PM

The Kinistino Minor Hockey Association has teamed up with the Kinistino Senior Tigers to host Hockey Day in Kinistino.

This will be the first event of its kind after the community was hoping to do something for the past couple of years, however, was unable to do so because of the pandemic.

This Saturday, Jan. 21, will feature four of the five hockey teams hosting a local opponent.

First off, the U9 team will plain against Melfort at noon, before the U11 team battles Tisdale at 2 p.m. Then, the U13 team will host Porcupine Plain at 4 p.m., and then ending it all, will be a Highway 3 battle between the aforementioned Tigers and the Birch Hills Black Hawks.

Throughout the day, there will also be a silent auction and progressive 50/50 draw, with a cabaret and dance to follow, which will feature local band Kings & Renegades.

Trent Rumpel, a co-organizer of the event, told northeastNOW it’s great to bring the community together.

“Bringing conventional minor sports along with the Senior Tigers together to host an event in the community that will benefit the community building is great because we have everybody pulling together,” said Rumpel.

“It’s unfortunate that we couldn’t get the midgets, but they’ll be there. I believe they’re helping take up and set down all the tables and stuff, so it’s still including them in the day, and lots of our older officials come from those teams, so having them available to be able to rest and participate in that way is also a bonus.”

All funds raised from the event will be going towards the rink’s kitchen fire suppression features, which allow it to operate at full capacity.

Currently, any food that they have to bring in is volunteer-based, which really only allows for crock pots and soups.

The hope is to get back to burgers and french fries, ‘staples at the rink’, which will provide the opportunity to run future tournaments.

Rumpel explained events and tournaments are a huge draw for the community and can even support minor hockey initiatives.

“Getting more kids involved in sports is another big area that we’ve been trying to push for the last couple of years, our numbers in the town have been dropping a little bit. So, making sure that every kid has an opportunity to play some kind of sport really benefits them, which then as they grow up, they come back to the rink and think of all the fond memories they’ve had, which just keeps everything going.”

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