Liliidae – helping to make your house a home
Operating for only eight months before getting shut down by the COVID-19 pandemic was not part of our business plan as we opened the doors of Liliidae Home & Design on August 12th of 2019. Learning to run any kind of business is hard work and a tumultuous learning curve. Doing it while all rules of how to do business went out the window, made us scramble even more, along with every other business – not only in Saskatchewan but across Canada and I’m sure the rest of the world.

But who knew this event would shine good luck over us? We gained traction fairly quickly since everyone was starting to pour their money into renovations of the homes they were now stuck in. The desire behind our brick-and-mortar store was to make renovating on the prairies a bit easier by giving people access to a wider selection of quality products. We’ve run a construction company for several years, and when finishing homes, we’d see people head to Saskatoon for the products they wanted, and we got thinking “Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a place closer to home that offered all these products in one location?”
A snippet from our own experience, taken from our blog: