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The Melfort UFA site will look similar to this site recently built in Saskatchewan. (Submitted/Steven Marshall)
UFA coming to Melfort

UFA to build petroleum site along Highway 41 in Melfort

Apr 17, 2024 | 12:09 PM

Producers and residents in the Melfort area will soon have another option for their petroleum needs.

United Farmers of Alberta Co-operative Ltd. (UFA) is continuing their Saskatchewan expansion into Melfort with a petroleum site on Highway 41. The site will be built across the highway and east of the Pioneer grain terminal.

Many of UFA’s 125,000 members are farmers, and Director of Saskatchewan Petroleum Operations Steven Marshall told northeastNOW the Melfort area, with its ties to agriculture, seems like a good fit.

“We have a business development group that’s done a lot of work coming up with locations that we believe are going to be good for UFA as an organization and help expand our presence in Saskatchewan,” Marshall explained.

UFA currently has Saskatchewan locations in Macklin, Kindersley, Swift Current, Weyburn, Yorkton, and Corman Park, with Melfort and Moose Jaw to be added soon.

Marshall said the site in Melfort will be a state-of-the art build featuring an office, lubricant warehouse, full bulk plant with bottom-loading, dye injection, and additive injection, and a new multi-lane card lock system.

“It’ll be a good build with adequate storage to be able to support the business that we hope to develop in the community.”

Construction is expected to begin in May and could be completed by late October or early November.

UFA has more than 110 locations across the three western provinces.

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