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(Ben Tompkins/northeastNOW)
Judges Coming Soon

Melfort Communities in Bloom to compete in Nationals once again

Jul 9, 2024 | 6:10 AM

In just a couple of weeks, Communities in Bloom (CiB) judges will be evaluating Melfort for a national competition.

“We took last year off, just to give our volunteers a bit of a break, so it’s time to compete again and we’re pretty excited about it,” explained Melfort CiB volunteer, Peggy George. “They’ll come at the end of July and then we won’t get the results until October, so it’s a long time to wait but that’s part of the excitement.”

The City of Melfort competed in the National CiB challenge two years ago, eventually winning their first-ever National Championship.

They’re hoping for another five-bloom rating in the ‘Up to 6000’ population category. If they are to do that, they need everyone’s help.

“We can’t do it all and nor is it our responsibility to do it all,” George told northeastNOW. “We are encouraging everyone in and around their properties, or even across their neighbourhoods to pick weeds, clean up their yards, and put the debris to bed where it should be. If everyone does their part, it just makes it so much easier and better, and then we all win.”

When Melfort won in late 2022, George and some of her CiB colleagues got to go to a symposium in Victoria. B.C.

Whether they win or not this year, George said those events are great for the betterment of communities across Canada.

“When we go to those symposiums and we interact with the other communities that are doing the same as us, we share our successes, our frustrations, and it’s just a great time to network. We can also learn things that maybe we haven’t thought of and they can work here, so it’s just a really great time to get together, be stronger in the program, learn and grow,” she added.

“We think Melfort really is a beautiful community that’s very community-minded and great for all ages. I think there’s a lot of respect for each other here with a lot of friendliness, so seeing the neat and tidy areas that are cleaned up really reflects that we do care. You can’t put a price on what that says to people who are visiting people who live here, and if the bar is high enough, people keep rising to it and it just makes for a better community.”

On X @BenTompkins_8

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