Financial aid to support tree fruit industry in B.C.
Some new assistance is rolling out to help prop up the tree fruit sector in British Columbia.
In the wake of the closure and application for creditor protection by the B.C. Tree Fruits Cooperative, the Investment Agriculture Foundation (IAF) of B.C. has reportedly dedicated roughly $4-million to ensure co-op members are paid the money owed from past harvests. The money will come through provincial funding that the IAF expects to recoup following the creditor protection court process.
Additionally, the B.C. government announced that $100,000 would be provided to the B.C. Fruit Growers Association to be used by growers to receive their food-safety certification, which was previously offered through the co-op.
“These are very challenging times for B.C.’s tree-fruit growers and we are continuing to support them in getting their fruit to market as well as with cash in their pockets now,” Pam Alexis, Minister of Agriculture and Food, stated.