PAGC leaders hunt and donate moose meat to foodbank
Knowing the issues their people are facing with rising prices and food insecurity, six of the leaders of the Prince Albert Grand Council (PAGC) headed out on the land last week and harvested three moose.
Using their knowledge of when the moose move, they waited until it was –40C to load up snowmobiles and the traditional sleds were pulled by dogs in the old days and drove to the Porcupine Forest near Hudson Bay.
“We know there’s a high cost of foods within our city and all over. The rise in food costs are just crazy and we want to make sure that our people, or whoever needs traditional foods, can come to the Food Bank and grab some moose meat to feed their family,” explained Vice Chief Josephe Tsannie.
“That’s what it’s about. We’re so fortunate to have the food bank here and to have the staff here that are committed to supporting the families through hard times, so we wanted to make sure that we provide some quality moose meat for the people that live within the City of Prince Albert.”