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Winter Fun at Prince Albert National Park

Snow Days at Prince Albert National Parks

Feb 12, 2019 | 9:48 AM

National parks are a great place for families to visit during the February break.

Whether you prefer outdoor activities like snowshoeing and cross-country skiing or a stay in one of the chalets where you can read and play board games, Prince Albert National Park has plenty of opportunities to have fun, enjoy the winter and explore nature.

There’s an array of winter activities visitors can do on their own schedule: snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, camp kitchen picnics, the playground, playing in the snow, skating, ice fishing, wildlife viewing, and more! The Parks Canada Visitor Centre also has Geochaching Kits, Quinzee Kit, Birding Kit and Snow Crystal Kits for loan.

Visitors can also borrow free of charge Parks Canada cross-country skis and snowshoes in arrange of sizes (including kids and adult). The equipment is available for loan from the Hawood Inn and can be return at the end of the day. The Parks Canada website and app make it easy to plan your get-away.

Prince Albert National Park will host Indigenous interpretive sessions and family orientated activities during Snow Days, February 16 to 24. The sessions are free and open to members of the public. Two Saskatchewan instructors, Liza Jane Brown and Rosella Carney will lead 13 sessions to share local Indigenous knowledge through art, music and storytelling.

See the two posters below for more details.

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