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Saskatchewan Trappers Association convention

Saskatchewan Trappers Association hosting 50th convention in Humboldt

Mar 6, 2019 | 2:00 PM

Wildlife management is the focus for the Saskatchewan Trappers Association convention next weekend in Humboldt.

It is the 50th anniversary for the association which represents over 4,000 trappers across the province.

President Wrangler Hamm said the event features presentations from trapping experts and more.

“Dealers and vendors are going to be selling trap supplies and products,” Hamm said. “We even have people that are going to be selling products they have made from fur.”

Hats, mitts, and toques are examples of some of those products. Hamm said that representatives from Canada Goose will be on hand as well as local vendors.

Trap research and development out of Vegreville, Alta will be included in one of the presentations in addition to some of the best fur handlers from Alberta and Quebec that will speak throughout the weekend.

“Its from an education stand-point on what wildlife management is all about, utilizing Saskatchewan’s wild resources and ultimately getting people out there that have maybe never been,” Hamm said.

Alberta trapper Gordy Klassen will also speak at the convention on the Friday night.

“He’s trapped all over the world, specific to wolves and he’s going to be showing some of his background and where he has been,” Hamm said.

Trappers typically come from many areas of the province including north of La Ronge right down to the U.S. border according to Hamm.

The weekend wraps up on the Sunday with the STA annual general meeting at 9 a.m. at the Bella Vista Inn.

Tickets are available on the Saskatchewan Trappers Association website with tickets also available at the door.

On Twitter: Angie_Rolheiser

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