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John Speece (middle) of FM Global, gives Melfort Fire Chief Jason Everitt (right), a plaque recognizing their grant. Melfort City Manager Ryan Danberg (left) also attended. (submitted photo/Melfort Fire Department)
Fire Department Grant

Melfort Fire Department receives grant from FM Global

Apr 10, 2019 | 4:58 PM

The Melfort Fire Department is getting a bit more technological after receiving a grant from FM Global.

FM Global is a large insurance firm and gave the department US$3,700, about $5,000 in Canadian dollars. The grant money is earmarked for tools and/or technology that can go towards building fire safety pre-plans in the community according to Fire Chief Jason Everitt.

“Essentially, giving us the capacity to have better data at our fingertips so that we can respond safer and quicker,” Everitt said. “And therefore, reduce the loss potential of the occupancy that is suffering the emergency.”

Everitt said the grant has gone toward some tablets, and software to help with their pre-planning. He said the new software allows them to essentially take the roof off of a building and see the critical components inside.

He said they have already put tablets into three of their vehicles.

“We’re working to eventually having these same tablets and therefore that information in all of our vehicles,” Everitt said. “Then as I’m going out and doing inspections right now, I’m building those pre-plans at the same time. So, we’re starting to build that database. It’s going to take time to get it, but we are well on our way.”

As for those working in the Melfort Fire Department itself, Everitt said they are excited to have some technology that helps them know the buildings they are going into.

“Tablets are one thing. Having that particular software on there is one thing,” he said. “But we’ve also got some other applications and software on there as well such as dangerous goods emergencies. We’ve got rural navigation software on there as well. So, all kinds of tools that is now at their fingertips that make our job a lot safer, a lot easier.”

On Twitter: @matbarrett6

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