Melfort Golf Club out of long-term debt, sees a surplus after 2019
While operations restrictions regarding the COVID-19 pandemic will affect its 2020 finances, the Melfort Golf Club can breathe a sigh of relief after 2019.
During its annual general meeting on June 29, the Melfort Golf Club’s financial statement showed the club paid off its long-term debt. Operationally, the club saw a near $66,000 deficit (near $400,000 gross margin and near $466,000 expenses), but additional income from donations and sponsorship – including a large donation from a Melfort family – gave the club a near $57,000 net gain.
In golf terminology, donations and sponsorships helped turn a double bogey into an eagle.
“It puts us in a position to start a rainy-day fund for the golf course,” Ken Singer from the Melfort Golf Club’s Board of Directors told northeastNOW. “In the past, we’ve carried a considerable amount of debt here, which is most often related to equipment purchases and maintenance. Right now, we’re in a pretty good situation, but we do know a lot of the revenue we’ve counted on each year won’t be there this season.”