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Nipawin Town Hall (File photo/northeastNOW Staff).
Reconciliation Nipawin

Reconciliation Nipawin signs to be installed in 2021

Dec 24, 2020 | 2:00 PM

New signs of progress towards reconciliation will be apparent in Nipawin and Treaty Six territory in 2021.

A request from Reconciliation Nipawin to council to implement signage at Town Square and the town’s three entrances was approved on Dec. 14.

“Our latest project has us focusing on Indigenous history and awareness,” Reconciliation Nipawin Co-Chairs Denise Blomquist and Rhonda Teichreb wrote in a letter to council. “We are focusing on the rich history of Nîpawiwin prior to European settlement. Our goal is to acknowledge the treaty land and create points of interest along the river to show where gathering, trade and settlement happened for hundreds if not thousands of years pre contact.”

Nipawin is located on Treaty Six Territory, the traditional land of the Cree peoples and the homeland of the Métis. Nipawin got its name from two different Cree words: nîpawiwin, meaning ‘standing place,’ and nipâwin, meaning ‘sleeping, a place to sleep.’