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(Submitted photo/Kadie Hozempa)
Professional Disc Golf Association

Watrous plays host to PDGA Canadian Women’s event

May 18, 2023 | 3:26 PM

Murray’s Disc Golf Course in Watrous recently played host to a Professional Disc Golf Association (PDGA) C-Tier sanctioned tournament.

The 2023 Canadian Women’s Event (CWE), Sunday Chick Flicks disc golf tournament brought women from across the country to compete in two rounds of disc golf.

The event was a space to explore competitive play and kick off the disc golf season with female, female-identifying players, and junior players.

“This was the first time we in Canada had a national event dedicated to women,” tournament director, Kadie Hozempa told northeastNOW. “Previously, it was all driven from an initiative out of the United States that we just kind of piggybacked onto.”

The National Committee for Disc Golf has now been putting these tournaments together through various local groups, and has taken the scores from this event to calculate nationwide, per division.

This will identify who each overall winner is, as they will later receive prizes from national sponsors.

“This was really the start of the tournament season for disc golf,” added Hozempa. “It’s really a spring, summer and into fall sport, so the next set of events are happening in various cities.”

“We do have a provincial championship coming up at the end of August that will be a real competitive tournament where men, women and juniors from across the province will join together to compete against each other and rank on the provincial stage.”

The tournament took place on Mother’s day, beginning at 10 a.m. with the awards banquet following at 4 p.m.

(Submitted photo/Kadie Hozempa)

Hozempa explained it worked perfectly to have the tournament in Watrous because of the flexibility it provided in multiple circumstances.

“Murray is great to work with and we were able to have a raised basket, which is a fun feature of some of the more competitive tournaments and makes it a little bit harder to get those putts in,” she said.

“Watrous is also a central location, so it was able to pull from everywhere and facilitate their drives a little bit more. Everybody in the town was really welcoming and kind and helpful too.”

On Twitter @BenTompkins_8

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