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BRUSSELS - Leaders across the European Union offered a united chorus of "No" on Wednesday to Britain's belated bid to negotiate changes to the Brexit divorce deal so Prime Minister Theresa May can win...
Feb 01, 2019
WASHINGTON - U.S. and Chinese negotiators are holding high-level talks aimed at settling a six-month trade war that has weakened both sides, shaken financial markets and clouded the outlook for the gl...
Feb 01, 2019
WASHINGTON - Democrats in the House offered a border security plan on Wednesday that would not provide a penny for Donald Trump's border wall, ignoring - for now - an early-morning warning from the pr...
Feb 01, 2019
NEW YORK - Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman was portrayed Wednesday in closing arguments at his U.S. trial as a ruthless Mexican drug lord who also became skilled at evading capture and escaping prison becau...
Feb 01, 2019
CHICAGO - A blast of polar air enveloped much of the Midwest on Wednesday, cracking train rails, breaking water pipes and straining electrical systems with some of the lowest temperatures in a generat...
Feb 01, 2019
WASHINGTON - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has declared that there'll be no "wall money" in any compromise border security deal as she and President Donald Trump signalled that congressional negotiators ...
Feb 01, 2019
WASHINGTON - The Trump administration is poised to announce Friday that it is withdrawing from a treaty that has been a centerpiece of superpower arms control since the Cold War and whose demise some ...
Feb 01, 2019
PARIS - Is France cracking down too hard on yellow vest protesters? A top European human rights official thinks so, joining other critics decrying the police use of high-velocity rubber projectiles an...
Feb 01, 2019
JOHANNESBURG - At least three students are dead after a walkway collapsed at a school outside Johannesburg, a South African official said Friday. Panyaza Lesufi, the head of education for Gauteng prov...
Feb 01, 2019
WASHINGTON - U.S. Sen. Cory Booker on Friday declared his bid for the presidency in 2020 with a sweeping call to unite a deeply polarized nation around a "common purpose." The New Jersey Democrat, who...
Feb 01, 2019