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OTTAWA - Amnesty International is accusing Venezuelan police and forces loyal to President Nicolas Maduro of hundreds of human-rights abuses following the start of pro-democracy protest...
Feb 20, 2019
LAVAL, Que. - The lawyer for a Quebec mother accused of killing her two daughters said Monday that 10 years after the girls were found dead in their playroom, there is still no exp...
Feb 20, 2019
Canada's top Catholic bishop says he hopes to emphasize the importance of believing victims when he discusses sexual abuse with his international counterparts during a gathering at the Vatic...
Feb 20, 2019
OTTAWA - Justin Trudeau's Liberal government was rocked Monday by the resignation of his principal secretary, Gerald Butts, amid allegations that the Prime Minister's Office interfered ...
Feb 20, 2019
OTTAWA - An international committee of legislators wants executives from some of the world's largest digital and social-media firms to testify on disinformation and "fake news" when it meets in O...
Feb 20, 2019
The latest projects for Melfort Communities in Bloom have been announced.Members of the volunteer group that works to beautify the city plan to create a meditation garden at Mount Pleasant Cemetery al...
Feb 20, 2019
PROVIDENCE, R.I. - The ecstatic sailor shown kissing a woman in Times Square celebrating the end of World War II died Sunday. George Mendonsa was 95. Mendonsa fell and had a seizure at the assisted li...
Feb 20, 2019
OTTAWA - Ontario NDP MP Charlie Angus says the death of a 48-year-old woman in Cat Lake First Nation is shaking up community residents and he doesn't know what it will take for the federal government ...
Feb 20, 2019
Canadian race car driver Robert Wickens' latest update on his rehabilitation from a horrifying crash took a heartwarming turn when he stood up for a brief dance with his fiancee. Wickens posted a vide...
Feb 20, 2019
OTTAWA - Canadian officials will be "cheering from the sidelines" over fresh signals that Britain believes it can manage any security risks posed by Huawei Technologies' involvement in ...
Feb 20, 2019