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Canadian Pacific Railway representatives give the $5,500 cheque to the Wynyard and District Food Bank. (Angie Rolheiser/northeastNOW staff)
Christmas Giving

Wynyard Food Bank benefits from CP Holiday Train tour

Dec 5, 2019 | 10:05 AM

The Christmas spirit was in high supply in Wynyard as the Canadian Pacific Holiday Train rolled through town on Wednesday.

The stop was part of CP’s tour across North America to raise money and collect food for families in need. On top of encouraging residents to bring in donations, CP also presented the Wynyard food bank with a cheque for $5,500.

Treasurer Sheila Doidge said the train is always a welcomed sight for the food bank board members and the families they serve.

“We do about 50 hampers per month for this area,” Doidge said. “With this kind of money, we try to give milk and eggs in every hamper so that they are getting protein as well.”

The train stops in the community every two years, where around $1000 and 500 pounds of food is typically brought in.

“This year, it will be matched up to $250,000 by Nutrien so I was telling people, it might not be matched dollar for dollar but it will be more than what you’re giving,” Doidge said. “So really it doesn’t matter if you’re giving dimes or nickels.”

When it comes to Christmas time there is a need for beans and canned hams or any type of canned meat products.

Doidge said they don’t have the ability to have fresh food unless it just comes in, usually in the fall. The cheque from CP goes toward supplementing throughout the year.

“We try to buy from our local Co-op, Bargain Shop, and our Family Foods if something is on sale,” Doidge said. “We have people that just work in that department for the food bank looking for sales.”

The food bank in Wynyard has great support from the local churches and schools as well. The youth group who handed out hot chocolate during the train visit, are the same group that also runs Halloween for the Hungry.

“They pick-up food and this year there was 1200 pounds of food within two or three hours,” Doidge said.

The coverage area for the food bank is actually quite extensive according to Chairperson Stephanie Cuddington.

“We service half-way to the next nearest food bank,” Cuddignton said. “There are food banks in Lanigan, Wadena, and Regina is our south closest and then Melfort so we service the whole area.”

Doidge wanted to stress the importance of the food bank for the community and the area, and not just at Christmas time.

“There was one story that I will never forget, where a woman was given Tide, and the lady was just so thankful to have that feeling of clean,” Doidge said. “What a gift that people are giving by helping here today and throughout the year.”

A typical hamper provided by the food bank is the size of a shopping bag.

“They last about two to three days depending how they stretch them,” Cuddington said. “They aren’t big.”

The CP holiday train featured performances by Canadian Country Music star Madeline Merlo and Pop artist Scott Helman. The Train made its way to Saskatoon for another stop and show on Wednesday evening.

Since 1999, the Holiday Train has brought in $16 million and 4.5 million pounds of food for food banks in the communities they stop in.

On Twitter: @Angie_Rolheiser

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