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Comedian Nour Hadidi was the entertainer at the inaugural NEOSS Cupid's Comedy Night on Valentine's Day. (submitted photo/Cal Gratton)
Cupid's Comedy Night

NEOSS event focuses on relationships, humour

Feb 19, 2020 | 12:00 PM

The inaugural North East Outreach and Support Services (NEOSS) Cupid’s Comedy Night was a hit.

The event, which focused on relationships and laughs, was held Friday, Feb. 14 at the Kerry Vickar Centre in Melfort.

NEOSS Executive Director Louise Schweitzer told northeastNOW they raised over $5,000, which was close to their goal.

Almost 200 people came out to enjoy a meal from Kristi’s Catering of Archerwill, and the entertainment of the evening from comedian Nour Hadidi.

Schweitzer said with Walk a Mile in Her Shoes in Tisdale again this year, NEOSS staff and fundraising committee members decided that hosting a comedy night in Melfort made sense.

“We tried to work around some of the other events that are there, as many people are trying to fundraise and we want to be conscious of other people’s time that they put into their fundraisers, and not double booking stuff,” Schweitzer said.

She said the event was a great opportunity to get people out and enjoy a fun Valentine’s Day event about healthy relationships. Schweitzer thanked everyone who attended the event, volunteers, and MC Cal Gratton.

The organization’s next event is its Lifestyle and Leisure Expo at the Kerry Vickar Centre April 11, followed by Walk a Mile in Her Shoes May 26 in Tisdale.

On Twitter: @camlee1974

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