Saskatchewan Medical Association does virtual Presidents Tour in Melfort
The Saskatchewan Medical Association (SMA) held a virtual Presidents Tour in Melfort on Monday, Sept. 28.
The President, Dr. Barb Konstantynowicz was joined by local physicians to hear their concerns and issues regarding health care in the region. Vice president Dr. Eben Strydom is a family physician in Melfort and said one of the main topics of conversation was the response during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Specifically the availability, and the cost now of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE),” he said. “Which includes masks, visors, and gowns.”
Strydom said level one masks aren’t being used as much in the health care sector as it was before, and they’ve been using the higher level PPE, which also costs more. He added some clinics and health care spots in the area aren’t getting enough or any PPE provided by the Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA).