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Naicam Fire Department (Submitted photo/Bruce Becker)
Government Awards

Naicam, Wakaw Fire and EMS, recipients of protective services medals

Oct 16, 2022 | 9:00 AM

The Government of Saskatchewan recently awarded their annual protective services medals and a handful of locals were included on that list.

A total of four members from the Naicam Fire Department were included on the list, Fire Captain Bruce Becker and members Dennis Cropper, Rodger Hayward, and Denis Sunderland.

To round out the local recipients was Patrick Hassler of the Wakaw and District EMS.

Patrick Hassler with the Northern Inter-Tribal Health Authority (Submitted photo/Patrick Hassler)

While Hassler won his medal, courtesy of his part-time work in Wakaw, he spends most of his time at the Northern Inter-Tribal Health Authority in Prince Albert, as their Emergency Response Coordinator.

Through this job, he builds capacity within the pre-hospital care arena community levels in northern Saskatchewan.

For him, no matter how the award came to him, he told northeastNOW it’s meaningful to be recognized as sometimes it’s hard to see the milestones.

“Receiving recognition in ways like that are sometimes the only milestones to look back on and see that what you did was important, needed, appreciated, etc, said Hassler.”

Established in 2003, the Saskatchewan Protective Services Medal recognizes exemplary long service for individuals working in a direct capacity to protect people and/or property, and supervisory personnel in the public service sectors who ensure the safety, security, and protection of Saskatchewan citizens.

Other individuals who set high standards and strive for excellence in their duties so everyone in Saskatchewan can live safe and secure lives, is the earlier mentioned Naicam Fire Department.

Becker explained while the reason his team does what it does, is not for the recognition, it’s still a tremendous honour which expells a ton of pride.

“There’s been a lot of dedication and commitment to the department and the surrounding area, just trying to protect our area and keep everybody safe and be there when they need us. We have a good group of guys, we have a lot of knowledge when we go to scenes and we did our jobs, makes a guy feel pretty proud, a nice gesture,” Becker said.

The Saskatchewan Protective Services Medal honours protective services providers and focuses attention on the efforts and work of police, fire and emergency professionals, and others working in the field of safety and security.

Recipients receive a circular medal surmounted by the St. Edward’s Crown. It bears a shield with a lion on a stylized western red lily and the motto Qui civitatem tuentur (who guard the citizenry). It is suspended from a ribbon of green with two narrow gold stripes, the provincial colours. Recipients also receive a miniature of the medal and a certificate. The Lieutenant Governor or designate presents the medal to recipients.

Nominees must be personnel with 25 years of service in Saskatchewan and actively employed in one of the eligible agencies on or after January 1, 2003, who have law enforcement powers, or work in safety services and professions whose work is directly related to the safety, security, and protection of people.

On Twitter @BenTompkins_8

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