Town of Nipawin sees multiple vandalism cases in short stretch
An increase in crime has spread across the Town of Nipawin, more specifically when it comes to cases of break and enter/theft and mischief/vandalism cases.
Both the Nipawin Kinsmen and the Knights of Columbus reported cases of vandalism over the weekend, and according to both, this isn’t the first time either.
“It is frustrating for our group because we’re volunteers and we’re just donating our time to try to improve the community,” Kinsmen president, Jeff Hrynkiw, said. “It’s kind of disheartening and frustrating when you have vandalism on a building where it’s just made by volunteers.”
“This isn’t the first time either, this is a second or third time,” added Knights of Columbus grand knight, Dennis Francais. “Once a year, they seem to have somebody go in there and smash up a toilet.”