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Demonstrations included a fall from a hazardous height, injuries from lifting objects incorrectly, and not wearing a hard hat or safety glasses. (northeastNOW Staff/ Rachel May)
Better safe than sorry

Students from Melfort learn first-hand the importance of safety at work

Sep 7, 2023 | 12:00 PM

With a quarter of workplace injuries affecting youth and young adults in Saskatchewan, one group wants to raise awareness on preventing these damaging injuries.

The Saskatchewan Construction Safety Association (SCSA) held an event in Melfort on Wednesday to spread awareness about preventable injuries while raising funds for a local high school.

A presentation was held outside of the new Prairie North Co-op in Melfort which allowed students from Melfort & Unit Comprehensive Collegiate (MUCC) and residents the chance to see demonstrations on how to prevent workplace injuries.

President of the SCSA Collin Pullar told northeastNOW that these demonstrations are vital to protecting the community.

“A quarter of the injuries that happen in the province are youth under the age of 24. When we have a quarter of the injuries happening in one demographic, it’s evidence there is a lack of understanding of how significant a hazard is.”

The demonstrations included a fall hazard from a height similar to those who may work on a roof, hazards that happen when not wearing a hard hat or protective eyewear and force hazards from lifting objects in an unsafe manner.

“Back injuries are probably our highest injury areas as well as slips and falls. A lot of people hurt their backs almost every single day and it is very preventable,” Pullar explained.

The event emphasized the importance of recognizing hazardous situations and how easy it is to become injured in both familiar and unfamiliar situations.

For those who couldn’t make it out to the event, Pullar said it is never too late to reach out and learn about how to prevent injuries.

“Part of the work we do is helping to educate and provide insight for young people. When we get injuries, the thing that we were thinking about 3 seconds before it happened was not ‘I am about to get hurt’.”

The SCSA has a resource available on their website called ‘toolbox talks’, which can help provide insight into workplace hazards and safe work practices.

Pullar stressed that the most important thing that people can take away is that most injuries are preventable.

“Taking some leadership, a couple of minutes of preparation could save a whole lifetime of pain.”

General Manager of Prairie North Co-op Terry Tremblay said these events help bring awareness that safety concerns within companies can vary greatly.

“So much of our company is diverse, from one employee to the other. From safety equipment to ergonomics. We are proud that our safety department looks after all of those people.”

Tremblay added these presentations are vital for sharing safety information when it comes to equipment that the community may come into contact with.

On Twitter: @RachelMayFM

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