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Marlon Zacharias is one of three candidates in Nipawin's by-election for mayor. (Submitted/Marlon Zacharias)
Nipawin mayor by-election

Nipawin Mayor candidate profile – Marlon Zacharias

Sep 21, 2023 | 10:08 AM

northeastNOW will be publishing profiles of all three candidates for Mayor of Nipawin in advance of the forum chaired by the Nipawin & District Chamber of Commerce on Oct 11 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Nipawin Seniors Hall. Election day is Oct. 18

Submitted from Marlon Zacharias

I am a single father to my beautiful daughter Shawna. Eight years ago, I made the decision to move away from city life in favour of something more similar to what I experienced growing up.

Small-town living and the closeness of the people in my home community are, in part, what made me the man I am today. These same values are visible in how I have raised my daughter here in Nipawin.

As an avid fisherman in my teens, I always heard stories of fishing on Tobin Lake, and I knew I wanted to come here one day! When a business opportunity presented itself, I knew I should take the plunge and make Nipawin my home.

Since moving, I have taken part in so much that this community has to offer; world-class year-round fishing & hunting, miles upon miles of snowmobiling and hiking & especially the friendships I have built here in my new home. I want more of our young people to experience Nipawin & its community the way I did, staying or moving here, to raise their families in this wonderful little town!

Throughout my adult life, I have continuously worked hard to develop myself as an honest, trustworthy & driven person. As a mayoral candidate, I will bring back community trust through hard work and leadership.

With over 15 years of management experience, I can help lead our council with a plan for growth to build a safe & prospering community! Through my time volunteering with the Nipawin & District Chamber of Commerce and the Nipawin Regional Health Foundation, I have attained governance training and experience with policy writing. My volunteering also provided me with the opportunity to work with the surrounding municipalities, and higher levels of Government.

I plan to use my experience and vision to help our great community be a shining light, bringing people & businesses together, and growing into the future!