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Kelvington schools amalgamating

School consolidation project underway in Kelvington

Jul 18, 2024 | 5:00 PM

A new era in Kelvington has begun, as the two schools are being amalgamated into one.

The Kelvington School Consolidation Project is underway, as Robert Melrose Elementary will soon be consolidated with Kelvington High School. The K-12 facility will be in the newly renovated Kelvington High School, with the name to be determined later.

Horizon School Division Director of Education Kevin Garinger told northeastNOW the project was approved through the Ministry of Education’s minor capital project fund.

The project will see students from the local elementary school move to the renovated high school. Horizon School Division/Facebook)

He added the school division has undergone a consultation process with students, staff, and school community council (SCC) members from Robert Melrose Elementary and Kelvington High School, along with representatives from the division, Miners Construction (the contractor for the project), and others.

“We’ve begun this whole process then of looking at what the construction could look like and ultimately moving forward with, now, some drawings that have led to us…finalizing the plan for addressing the needs that we have in Kelvington.”

Plans for the renovations to the high school. (Horizon School DIvision/Facebook)

A major reason for the decision to amalgamate the two schools is the state of the foundation of Robert Melrose Elementary. Garinger said that school will be nearing end-of-life very soon, and he feels having a project that puts all the students into one building will be a major benefit to the community.

“A nice facelift for the (Kelvington High) building, adding some…small spaces here and there, really redefining classrooms and just doing an overhaul in that building,” said Garinger.

Work has already begun on the new bus loop, which Garinger said will make it safer for students. There will also be dedicated staff and student parking areas.

Plans for the bus loop and outdoor area at the newly renovated high school. (Horizon School Division/Facebook)

Garinger said modernizing and reconfiguring the existing high school is important, and the students, staff, and SCC members were vocal in wanting more efficient learning spaces and other areas like sensory and therapy rooms.

“That whole footprint is going to be able to truly support students in a highly effective manner with lots of classroom spaces,” Garinger said.

The community playschool will also make its way over to the high school from the elementary school where it’s currently located.

The renovated high school will house about 124 elementary and 107 high school students. The division expects students will be able to walk into the newly renovated building in the fall of 2025.

On X: @northeastNOW_SK

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