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(File photo/northeastNOW Staff)
Humboldt development

City of Humboldt looking to develop new residential area in the northwest

Sep 25, 2024 | 11:44 AM

City council in Humboldt has approved a bylaw to adopt the Northwest Area Structure Plan.

The document sets out the plan for future development in the northwest part of the city.

Council has passed a bylaw to adopt the Northwest Area Structure Plan. (City of Humboldt)

City Manager Joe Day told northeastNOW the plan outlines how much of the area is easily serviceable for water, sanitary sewer, and storm networks.

“It gives advice to the city and to the landowners in that area as to what to expect for the location of some of those main services, such as roadways, watermains, storm sewers, and sanitary mains,” Day explained.

A few landowners will be impacted for the area that is most promising for development, and Day said agreements will have to be undertaken between the city and the two private landowners for locating and paying for some of the services.

With continued growth anticipated in Humboldt, Day said they had to determine how many people could be accommodated in the northwest area.

“We undertook the study to determine what infrastructure we could utilize with minimal upgrades, and where we might need to put some additional infrastructure into the ground to serve the bigger area,” said Day.

The study revealed that with the existing lift station, they can service nearly 2,000 additional people in that area. Day said any more than that will require an additional lift station or improvements to the existing lift station. The second phase of the plan focused on the area that could be developed using the existing lift station to avoid piling on more cost. Day said there is an elevation change beyond the western edge of the planned development area and the sanitary sewer system wouldn’t flow in the right direction without an additional lift station.

The next step is to meet with the private landowners and developers in the area to work out how to share the cost of the major infrastructure. Day hopes to have productive meetings in the fall and winter, so they can put infrastructure in the ground in 2025.

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