New Services Launch at Select Pharmacies Across Saskatchewan
Patients to Benefit From Strep Throat Testing and Ear Infection Assessments
Families around the province now have another option to get tested and treated for strep throat and ear infections. The Government of Saskatchewan is launching new services in multiple communities across Saskatchewan, allowing pharmacists to provide one-stop testing for strep throat and ear infections. They will also be able to prescribe and dispense medication to treat those conditions as needed.
Eleven pharmacies have been selected to conduct testing for strep throat and assessment for ear infections, while another 37 sites have been chosen to offer ear infection assessments only. A list of pharmacies and communities is attached. For more information, visit the Saskatchewan College of Pharmacy Professionals website.
“We are pleased to launch this project, one of the first in Canada, which allows pharmacists the ability to offer patients greater access to health care services by providing testing and treatment in one visit,” Rural and Remote Health Minister Lori Carr said. “With this expanded scope of practice, pharmacists can make greater use of their skills and education, directly benefiting Saskatchewan residents.”