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Melting snow can uncover unwanted mess. (Angie Rolheiser/northeastNOW Staff)
Community clean-up day

Melfort asks community to pitch-in and clean-up as snow melts

Apr 9, 2019 | 12:45 PM

Melting snow means unwanted mess around the community, prompting spring clean-up day.

Next Thursday, April 18, residents, businesses, schools, and organizations are invited to join city staff in picking up accumulated items from the winter months.

Director of Development, Planning and Community Relations Brent Lutz said the efforts to beautify the city don’t stop after that day.

“We’re partnering up with Tim Hortons pitch-in week,” Lutz said. “We have large yellow garbage bags available from Tim Hortons at city hall, you can stop in and pick them up and help do your part to make our community beautiful.”

Lutz said although it is nice to see snow disappear and flowers poking through the ground, it’s important to be cautious of needles. If a needle is found while cleaning around the community a few rules should be followed.

“Whether it’s on your own property or a public space we advise you to be careful,” Lutz said.

The needle should be picked up with gloves or tongs or tweezers and be dropped into a hard container with a lid. City hall can also be contacted to take of it as well.

“We would also like people to call city hall and let us know so that we know the number of instances and we are able to track it and so we’re able to keep everyone safe in our community,” Lutz said.

Pitch-in week will run from April 22 to 26.

On Twitter: Angie_Rolheiser

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