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Liliidae Home and Design in Melfort is looking for design ideas for their back wall. (Facebook/Liliidae Home and Design)
Get Creative

Liliidae Home and Design running back wall design contest

Mar 25, 2020 | 9:09 AM

The public is being invited to get creative and help with designing the back wall of the Liliidae Home and Design building in Melfort.

Owner Julie Schmale said the unsightly wall is next on their renovation to-do list

“Be as detailed or not detailed as you want, large scale or smaller scale,” Schmale said. “Our wall is sort of divided up with some pillars so it could be four different pictures or scenes, or just one big something.”

The new to Melfort business has been open for a few months and Schmale was hoping to hold a grand opening in April but has been postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Schmale and her staff are still working from home as much as they can but the doors of Liliidae are closed to the public for the time-being.

The design contest is something Schmale thought people would like to get involved with while isolated in their homes.

“We had a few ideas of our own but with people being at home and having time on their hands, we just thought this would be nice to see what others want to see on that wall,” Schmale said.

The wall is a can’t-miss when coming in from the south or west end of Melfort and is directly across the street from the water tower.

Liliidae Home and Design back wall. (Facebook/Liliidae Home and Design)

“You’ll see it right there, it is a huge ugly wall right now and we thought it would be fun to see what people in the community imagine seeing up there,” Schmale said.

The design contest is open to the anyone high school aged and older, and will run until April 3rd. Once entries are received the top three will be determined and will then go to a community voting process.

Schmale said they hope to paint the wall over the summer.

The specifications for the design can be found on the Liliidae Home and Design website.

The name Liliidae is taken from the prairie lily, which is Saskatchewan’s provincial flower so Schmale wants the design to definitely include that flower.

“In our dreams it would be some sort of mural that people would want to come take a picture with,” Schmale said.

The name Liliidae or their logo would need to be included as well as having Melfort in the design.

“It’s not just our wall, it is everyone else in the community that has to look at it as well,” she said.

On Twitter: @Angie_Rolheiser

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