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Métis-owned corporation now part-owner of P.A. company

Jun 20, 2023 | 5:00 PM

An Indigenous-owned company in northern Saskatchewan is growing after becoming the newest partner for a Prince Albert company.

Primrose Resources Corporation (PRC), which is owned by Métis residents in Ile-a-la-Crosse, Beauval, Jans Bay, and Cole Bay announced the purchase of 50 per cent shares in Impact Mechanical Services from Prince Albert.

Chairperson of PRC Nick Daigneault said they began conversations with the part-owner of Impact about a year and a half ago.

“We were looking for a way to be an active participant in the industry and an opportunity came across our desk,” he said. “One of our community members actually mentioned that this guy from Impact was looking to start phasing himself out of part ownership of his company. He was a 50 per cent owner of Impact and he thought it might be a good idea for us.”

Daigneault said the initial meeting with the owner was positive and they continued to meet to finalize the details before making the purchase official.

As PRC operates in northern Saskatchewan, Daigneault said buying shares in Impact will provide many opportunities for northern residents and Indigenous peoples.

“It allows them to apprentice in anything from construction, welding, mill writing,” he said. “We’d like to start here at home with getting that general education orientation to mine sites as well as potentially introductions to the trades using our contacts through institutes such as DTI and Northlands College.”

One of the biggest benefits of this partnership, according to Daigneault is bringing that Indigenous representation to the trades, encouraging those who wish to pursue those career opportunities a better path forward.

“It would definitely lead to employment and trading opportunities as well as more wealth generation to pursue other and new cutting opportunities for our company as well and our communities,” he said.

Impact Mechanical has been operating for nearly 20 years and specializes in construction, project management, maintenance turnaround, and mechanical services.

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