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I was elected in the by -election in 2017 and again in the 2018 election. My 36 years serving as an RCMP officer I believe is an asset. I had to make decisions on the spur of the moment weighing all the available information in a short period of time. I look at every decision I need to make through the lens of what are the consequences to vote for or against a motion, what are the financial costs to vote in favour or against, is there staff capacity to deliver, and is this decision in the City’s best interests. I have worked in many communities in BC and saw how many Councils worked. ,

I was a Chairperson in my local HEU local and I was elected /sat on the Provincial Executive of the Hospital Employees’ Union in a Trustee position for several years.

My experience for the last four years as a member of Nanaimo City Council has given me the knowledge and training to be an effective member of council.

I am a 49 year old school teacher, who will put my career on hold to STAND UP for us everyday citizens of Nanaimo. I moved to Nanaimo in 1987, when my parents bought James Grocery . I learned the most valuable life lessons growing up in a family run operation, but more importantly, I learned the power of community!!

Our corner store would not have been the success it was, had it not been for the people that became part of our lives, as we became part of theirs. Since the James Grocery days, I worked in Guest Relations at Casino Nanaimo, worked in marketing at Northlands Park in Edmonton, was a sheet metal mechanic, owned a landscaping company in Nanaimo, property management in the Middle East and worked as a sawyer in Nanaimo.

My life and work experiences have enabled me to become a confident individual who will speak my truths, work effectively and efficiently, and do what is required and necessary to succeed. I cannot continue to complain about the state of our city if I take no action for change. I do believe it’s time to use the power of community to propel positive change.

There is an air of uncertainty around the world right now and Nanaimo is no exception. We need leaders that seek solutions and understand that we cannot passively wait for change. We need council members who are willing to act to meet the needs of our citizens. As the Chair of the Regional District of Nanaimo since 2020 and Councillor since 2018, I have strived to bring a dependable, thoughtful, and pragmatic approach to the work; and have forged trusting relationships with the goal of building community coalitions to solve our most pressing problems.

In my platform, I have attempted to put together policy positions and actions – not just platitudes. I believe in pragmatic approaches to solving problems. I also believe at times you must take innovative approaches when other approaches have failed. I want to highlight that I am focussed on more recreational and cultural facilities for Nanaimo, reducing development approval times, focusing city departments on urban design over burdensome regulations, implementing known solutions to provide more affordable and supportive housing, and realizing tertiary care at the hospital.

Prior to being elected, I was involved in numerous volunteer initiatives and worked in intergovernmental relations and urban planning.

I CARE about this city and feel responsible for making it a CLEANER GREENER HAPPIER place to live. The present Mayor is great at meetings has years of political experience but does nothing

For 14+ years I have worked in various roles with the Nanaimo & Area Land Trust and now serve as executive director. I participate on numerous committees, roundtables and on the Board of the Land Trust Alliance of BC. My work has involved working with City and RDN staff and presenting to City council on numerous occassions. Prior experience includes participating as a founder of a citizens committee on Savary Island as well as chief shop steward of a 700 member healthcare local.

As a former reporter with a background in broadcast journalism, I know how to listen closely to people, ask good questions, seek out experts, consider both sides of a story, do the research when more information is required, make decisions based on critical thinking, and clearly communicate what I’ve learned. I think this is a big part of what being a city councillor is all about. Over the past few years, I’ve been helping Nanaimo residents navigate federal bureaucracy as a caseworker for the Member of Parliament’s office. My role is non-partisan, and it involves advocating on behalf of constituents when they’ve been let down by the government that is supposed to serve them. I see the serious challenges people are up against when it comes to problems like affordability and access to health care, and I understand the many complex, systematic issues at play. I’m ready to put my energy into municipal politics, where the local government can take a proactive role in helping to address these critical areas that have a huge impact on our daily lives.

I am completing my first term on Nanaimo City Council. The last four years have given me invaluable experience in understanding how to navigate local government processes to achieve results. In addition, I have served as a director-at-large on the Union of BC Municipalities lobbying the provincial government directly on behalf of all BC local governments. At UBCM I have honed important skills in developing relationships with senior levels of government to drive action on issues such as homelessness, affordable housing, community safety and climate change.

My educational and professional background is in conservation biology and social work and I have worked in the prison system as a registered clinical counsellor. This background has solidified strong values around the importance of building communities that can meet the needs of people within the means of our natural environment. In addition to serving on city council, I am a small business owner and have recently converted my tree service company into a worker-owned cooperative. Along with volunteering as a director on several non-profit boards, I believe my background provides the needed governance skills and strong values to drive positive change.

Nick is a downtown Nanaimo business (law firm) owner, Solicitor, Chartered Mediator, Commercial and International Arbitrator, and former Chair of Destination-Nanaimo.

Nick runs the Collaborative Law and Mediation Centre in downtown Nanaimo, where he has helped thousands of locals resolve legal and personal issues.

Nick began working as a lawyer in 2002, initially in South Australia, before marrying a local and transferring to British Columbia. Prior to moving to Nanaimo, Nick was a City Councillor in Australia and co-led the successful Blackwood renewal project, which transformed that neglected city centre. Nick also focused heavily on reducing waste and keeping Council
rates as low as possible, and appeared regularly in local media against excessive rate rises, and arranged a statewide campaign for Councillors to pledge not to vote for tax increases beyond inflation.

Nick has also served on several boards on a volunteer basis assisting with homelessness and drug addiction services, including Teen Challenge.

I am a peer level coating inspector by trade and a significant part of my job is having the ability to read and understand complex specifications and apply them to real world application in the field. It is vital that the right questions are asked in advance in order for things to go smooth for everyone in the field.

I’ve spent the last four years listening, learning and leading in the municipal arena. I’ve gained skills and developed relationships that will serve our city on multiple fronts and I am deeply committed to our collective success.
I left the Coroner’s Service in 2019 and returned to project management in 2021. The experience I bring forward from each of those roles serves me well as your City Councillor: critical thinking / decision making, leadership and collaboration. I bring a quiet authority and am respected by my colleagues.
I’m a mom, raising two young men in a rapidly changing world.

I have a degree in political science;
a degree in law with emphasis in constitutional law; post graduate courses in municipal government; 20 plus years
running a law practice; 9 years Nanaimo City Councillor; 15 years as Nanaimo Mayor (1993-2008); 20 years on the Regional District.
I have wide community knowledge that would benefit the new Council ranging from City operations and budgeting, economic to environmental to social issues as well as experience in dealing with emergencies. My employment as an Auxiliary Police officer with Victoria City Police under the Law Student Police Program gives me added insight into policing and social needs. My appointment to the BC Premier’s Task Force on Mental Health and Addictions gave me detailed knowledge of the homeless crisis.

As more and more people choose Nanaimo as their home city, an increasingly diverse population will be seen. How will their interests be represented? Who can understand and represent them faithfully? I have the appropriate experience and background that will allow me to represent a diverse community. I know the challenges and barriers that immigrants face. I speak fluent Hindi and English, and I have had two years of formal training in Spanish. Over the past few years I have had significant experience discussing and building on difficult issues that affect various social groups differently. As Director of the Pacific Society for the Advancement of Employment Equity (PSAEE), I have fought for fairer hiring processes and the removal of administrative barriers in public service competitions that tend to restrict the entry and promotion of university graduates, BIPOC members, and persons with disabilities. I have an interdisciplinary academic background, most recently having completed a BA in Sociology from SFU. I have been serving on the Board of Directors of the BCCLA where I have concerned myself with human rights and civil rights matters. They are challenging matters. Vote for me, and we will ensure everyone’s interests are represented.

I was born in the old Nanaimo hospital but raised in Coombs and have lived in Nanaimo continuously since May 1, 1979.
I was called to the bar as a lawyer July 10, 1980, and served a total of 18 years as MLA

I am a seasoned professional with almost three decades of experience in the technology sector performing research, analysis, strategic and tactical planning, forecasting, project management, training and development, incident management, disaster recovery/business continuity, and developing customer relationship management solutions. An advocate of continuous process improvement, I have audited business process and critical infrastructure. For seven years I worked with a Network Standards team developing technical and administrative documentation.

I have worked on domestic and international trouble management teams with companies across Canada, the United States and overseas. I served as a technical lead to deploy Enhanced 911 Service throughout the province of Saskatchewan and coordinated the network transition with Police, Fire, and Emergency Medical Services. In 2022 I upgraded my skills with course work in Emergency Incident Management. With a Job Evaluation Advisory Committee, I participated in developing a program to equitably rate 3500 positions. In parallel, I have been a wellness consultant for the past 20 years.

For the past 38 years I have worked with a series of community-based service organizations as Board member, event chair, and volunteer. I have been immersed in both environmental and social justice issues often working with high-risk and marginalized people.

I have been a Nanaimoite for 13 years, and I’m grateful to be a part of the Nanaimo community and to live amongst the city’s beautiful nature. I am currently a volunteer tutor with VIU and a Rotarian. I am a recent graduate of the University of Toronto, with an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Public Policy.
I want to move Nanaimo forward – with a fresh pair of eyes to address our current issues, and to have a comprehensive vision for a more liveable future. I see city streets overrun with violent and property crime. I see our city’s housing supply unable to affordably match people’s incomes. I want Nanaimo to be a city where people are empowered within their business, career, and family – and that’s why I’m running.

A resident of Nanaimo for over thirty years I am proud to call Nanaimo home. I have served as a School Trustee for S68 – President of Tourism Nanaimo, and sat on numerous committees for the City and . I am retired now, however I was a Chartered Insurance Professional and part of the management team with BCAA for 23 years. I now have the experience of my first term at Council would be honored to serve four more years.

I have extensive governance and management experience and I am connected to the community of Nanaimo through years of service work. I am currently the executive director of the Nanaimo Unitarian Shelter.

I served as Member of Parliament for Nanaimo-Ladysmith for 2.5 years, after being elected in two campaigns: the May 2019 by-election and the Sept. 2019 general election. Working across party lines I garnered the support of all parties to pass motions and amendments to major legislation.

As a media producer, I have volunteered and worked with a long list of community organizations, helping them educate and communicate with the public.

I have run several companies and negotiated recording, distribution and licensing deals with large multinational corporations.

I’m currently a member and volunteer with the Rotary Club of Nanaimo. For eleven years, from 2007 to 2019, I was an elected board member of the Mid Island Co-op. I served on the Pacific Gardens Cohousing Community board during its development.

I work cooperatively and collaboratively. I’m a good listener and communicate respectfully. I seek common ground and ways to move forward on issues for the good of all concerned.

I understand civic government, I was first elected in 1999 as a Councillor in Summerland and ran and served a second term from 2005-2008. Then I served as Mayor for two terms until I retired from politics in 2014. I was also a Regional District Director and elected Chair of the Regional Hospital District for three years. I’ve worked closely with both the Provincial and Federal Government for grant opportunities and to have projects granted approval. i.e. The Penticton Regional Hospital was granted approval for a major expansion in 2014 while I was Chair of the Hospital District.
I’ve been working full time in healthcare for close to 30 years with the last six years as the Chief Executive Officer of the Nanaimo & District Hospital Foundation. We raised millions for NRGH to support medical staff, hospital expansion projects and medical equipment. During Covid 19 we supported medical staff with essentials of food and supplies and supported our most vulnerable community members with a medical van for testing and support. With leadership from my time in civic government and the knowledge of years in healthcare, I am uniquely qualified for the role of Nanaimo City Council.

I have lived and worked in Nanaimo for nearly 20 years and have owned our home here since 1988. I have been in business for over 30 years and understand the needs of the business world to exist and to thrive. During this time I served as a Councillor for the Village of McBride as well as a Director for the Fraser-Fort George Regional District (Prince George). This has increased my awareness and provided me with the experience of working with different levels of government. My education includes two degrees with a Bachelor of Science in Accounting and another in Computer Science.

I am a board of director of P.I.N.A

I have lived in Nanaimo my whole life and was educated in Nanaimo. I have a Bachelor of Arts Degree with Majors in Political Studies and History from Vancouver Island University, along with a Bachelor of Education. Career wise, I am a teacher, where I first-hand see and hear the challenges of our community every day. My main experience, and why I feel I would be an effective member of Nanaimo City Council, is my board and committee experience. I am currently the Vice-President of the Vancouver Island University Alumni Association Board and the Rotary Club of Lantzville. I am past-president of the Brechin Hill Neighbourhood Association, a Director on the Nanaimo Art Gallery Board, and a member of VIU’s Senate. I’ve previously sat on and chaired other committees as well. I feel that I have not only the board/governance experience necessary to be an effective Councillor, but that I also have the advocating, listening, relationship building, and communication skills to be a qualified City Councillor who knows how to navigate the system.

As a former police officer who spent 25 years working in Nanaimo dealing with crime, homelessness, and mental health and addiction issues, I have formed a unique perspective on these issues and I believe this knowledge and experience will serve me well on council. I am willing to work with others on council and community partners to form solutions and work towards a common goal- making Nanaimo a safe and enjoyable place to live and work.

Having been involved in many various companies and associations, has given me exceptional listening and critical thinking skills.

With my bachelors degree in commerce and post bachelors in business operations management, I had a successful carrer in managing corporate companies for around 14 years and gained in-depth knowledge of military operations while serving the country with Canadian Forces for 12 years. My skills and abilities could greatly contribute to city council team work for efficient and effective local governance. I have planned my finances well that gave me financial stability & sustainability with no liability at the age of 50. My success of carrer and planning is given me confiance and strength to stand up to work full time with willingness to make my home town Nanaimo a better city through being in City Council.

I am a third-generation Nanaimoite with a long history of community involvement. I was a school teacher/administrator for 35 years here, and have served on the executive of many local organizations. I am the longest-serving incumbent Councillor, having served two terms since first being elected in 2014. Among other duties I sit on the Nanaimo Port
Authority/City Liaison Committee and the Protocol Working Group involving City and Snuneymuxw First Nation. For two years during this term I was Board Chair of the Regional District of Nanaimo and am currently Chair of the Nanaimo Regional District Hospital Board. My time on Council has given me valuable insight and knowledge of the challenges and opportunities facing our beautiful city. I believe I am well qualified to continue in a leadership role, and I want to bring my experience and knowledge back to the table to lead positive changes. I have no personal agendas. I strive always to bring a professional presence and common sense, to listen carefully, and to make informed and thoughtful decisons that reflect the wishes of the citizens of Nanaimo.

My experience within the trades will give me the advantage to navigate and understand the permits and proposals needed to improve and grow our city. The last 3 years working for Island Health has given me the opportunity to learn how to manage budgets, stay organized and on top of projects.

I like people. I thoroughly enjoy speaking with people, learning about them, hearing their ideas, engaging in debate. At the same time, I’m a really nice guy, and like to reach an accord with others, even if we don’t agree on an issue. I believe in Democracy, and will abide by majority votes.

The word “honor” genuinely means something to me. My heroes are people who strive to act honorably, even when it isn’t easy to do so. I have worked in many different jobs from Receptionist, to Construction Worker, to Janitor, to Cook, and always took my work seriously and did my best for my Employer.

My parents are both Immigrants, and they showed me the value of hard work and commitment to moral values, which continue to guide me to this day.

I am Fiscally Conservative. I am very careful with my money in my own life, and would apply those principles to my stewardship of Nanaimo Tax Payers money. To this end, I will strongly push for “My Tax Money Nanaimo”, a Smartphone App / Website that will provide quick and easy information on how Tax Money has been spent and is planned to be spent.

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