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Melfort players donate hockey equipment in La Ronge

Jan 15, 2018 | 11:24 AM

Two local boys shared their love of hockey with the community at the Jonas Roberts Memorial Community Centre (JRMCC) in La Ronge on Sunday.

Sage Roberts and Kendon Skalicky, who play with the Melfort Peewee AA Mustangs, were invited to hold a practice session at the Lac La Ronge Indian Band’s arena Jan. 14. As part of the visit, the members of the Melfort squad brought donations of new and used hockey equipment. Kevin Roberts, JRMCC’s director of sport, culture and recreation, said the initiative allowed La Ronge to showcase its northern hospitality, and added the equipment will be put to good use in the loaner program.

“The practice in La Ronge allowed the rest of the boys on the team to appreciate and experience the sacrifices, commitment and dedication the northern boys have to make travelling to twice-weekly team practices down south,” Roberts said. “For us at JRMCC Sports and Recreation, it was also about building bridges, creating harmony and being respectful to one another.”

It’s important for the band’s sports and recreation department to show young people what can be achieved through community-minded activism, Roberts said. Those lessons can change attitudes, break down barriers and develop friendships between people regardless of beliefs or backgrounds, he added.