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(Submitted Photo/ Myles Quaroni)
Moisture content

Producers in north central Saskatchewan pleased with field moisture heading into spring seeding

Apr 16, 2019 | 12:17 PM

Attention is turning to the field as producers in North-Central Saskatchewan gear up for another growing season.

Local Forensic Agrologist George Lewko said the Prince Albert area is currently looking at adequate moisture levels thanks to heavy snow pack left over from winter.

“I think our neck of the woods, things are OK,” Lewko said. “In other parts of the province, I think it’s quite a concern.”

Lewko explained a lack of moisture will lead to difficulties with seeds germinating.

“If you put a seed in dry ground it won’t germinate, it won’t come out,” Lewko said. “(Producers) are trying to put the seed in a wet seed bed, or a moist seed bed, and then (trying to) pack the soil around it so it gets good seed-to-moisture contact.”

Smeaton area farmer Robert Reid said he is pleased with the recent rainfall.

“It’s looking good heading in, and this little bit of moisture takes the frost out of the ground and melts the little bit snow that’s left,” Reid said.

He added that this years’ warm spring, with its small amount of precipitation should allow for early seeding.

“Depending on if we get a big foot of snow, I think we’ll be (in the field) earlier than last year,” Reid said, highlighting there is no water build-up from the spring melt.

Despite the weather, Reid said there have been input changes due to trade concerns.

“It costs a lot of money to grow a crop of canola,” Reid said. “My mind is made up. I’m cutting production. I’ll cut it by 50 per cent. You can’t put all that money into growing a crop and then wonder what you’re going to get next fall.”

Reid has opted to grow more peas this year instead and said prospects look good.

“Hell yeah, (it’s) better than last year I think,” Reid said. “These little rains knocking the moisture out of the ground, no big sloughs, and the weather is nice and warm.”

Twitter: @RonaldQuaroni

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